Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hiking on Lama Island

Hiking is a popular sport among the people of Hong Kong. It is for them also an escape from the crowds of the bustling city. My wife and I went for hiking on Lama Island which was the fourth largest island of Hong Kong.

Our journey to Lama Island started from the ferry terminal in the district Central on Hong Kong island. It was on an early Saturday afternoon and there was already a crowd waiting for the ferry to come. Most of them were young people who were also in for a sporty hike on Lama.

Finally our ferry left Central and was bound for Lama Island. Our ship passed through the utmost west point of Hong Kong island and we saw how we came along the districts like Pok Fu Lam and Discovery Bay.

The boat trip took only half an hour. Our ferry called at the small port Yung Shue Wan which was no more than a little township with some restaurants, pubs and shabby hotels. Much to our surprise the hiking trail actually started from the main street of Yung Shue Wan where the trail led us to the interior of the island.

We were not alone. There were lots of folks on who were also here for hiking. The backpackers were chatting loudly while some were having food on their way. It was more like a family picknick rather than a wild nature hike. Also, along the path there were food stalls selling curry fishballs, roasted sausages and other snacks. It made us hard to enjoy our walk and the natural beauty around us.

Finally we managed to get rid of the crowd and continue our hike in a more or less normal way. Our trail came along a small beach where there were some people taking a sunbath while others risked a dive into the sea. Believe it or not. We even saw a foodstall on the beach which was selling tofu fa!

The toughest part of our trail was that part that got hilly. It was also a more quiet part of the trail where we had to climb uphill. On top of the hill we got a wonderful view on the South China Sea which looked really serene and peaceful.

Our hike ended at Sok Kwu Wan. It was a small port with a few seafood restaurants along the quay. It was already dusk when our ferry arrived. It took us to Aberdeen at Hong Kong island. All and all it was a good work out for both us. Since the trail was only about 6 km long it was quite doable for beginners like us. The Lama hike was one that could be best marked as a trail of snacks and seafood...

Yee Chuen Leung
Chief Editor

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